Organising a PTA Colour Run is a lot of fun. PTA members each year strive to create enjoyable activities for kids, students, school staff, and parents.

For the past 15 years, we have been involved in supporting and supplying a large number of PTA Colour Runs. It brings us great joy to hear the positive feedback we receive from nearly all participants and PTA’s. Most of these PTA Colour Runs have evolved into annual events, and they continue to grow in popularity each year. Additionally, the PTA Colour Run often serves as a fundraising event for charity.

There’s nothing quite like a day filled with colourful fun and outdoor activities. Plus, you’ll have amazing photos and videos of your PTA colour run to cherish afterward. Consider hosting a PTA colour run with our assistance. You’ll discover just how simple and budget-friendly it can be. We will guide you through each step of the process.

Where to start organising your PTA colour run?

During your upcoming PTA meeting, consider suggesting the concept of a Parent Teacher Association Colour Run. In our experience, the initial response is typically very favorable.

If you want to give the start of your school colour run something really special; try our Colour Blasters. These produce a large 4 KG spray!

Most attendees are likely familiar with the idea, having observed similar events at other schools and PTA’s. We frequently receive several inquiries, including: Is the colour powder used in a PTA Colour Run safe? What measures will we implement for cleanup? Additionally, what are the anticipated costs associated with organizing a PTA Colour Run?

Let’s quickly walk you through these FAQs

  • Is the colour powder safe? Absolutely. Our color powder is 100% safe and has been used for many years by numerous reputable color events across Europe. If you need any documentation, we’re happy to provide it. For added eye protection and fun, we also offer color run sunglasses. – – How do we handle the cleaning of our PTA colour run? Our color run powder is made from cornstarch and food-grade dyes, so the area where your Parent Teacher Association Colour Run takes place will be spotless in no time. If you need advice or more information on how to make your PTA colour run a great success, feel free to email us. 
Our colour run packages
  • Can I host a PTA Colour party or holi festival instead of a colour run? Definitely! For a PTA Colour party, we provide small 70-gram and 100-gram colour powder bags that are easy to distribute to all the kids. Most PTA colour parties or holi festivals give each participant 3 to 7 small bags, depending on the budget and duration of the event.
  • What are the costs for a PTA Colour Run? There isn’t a straightforward answer to this, but we can tell you that hosting a PTA Colour Run can be done for around £ 2 to 2.50 per participant. This will provide enough colour powder or powder paint for each runner. If you want to add some extra fun to your PTA Colour Run, consider items like colour run sunglasseshandheld cannons, and our popular colour extinguishers, though these might increase the overall cost.

How to host a PTA colour run

A PTA school colour run is just like any other colour run. For detailed information, please follow this link; it will walk you through the entire process.

We understand that most PTA Colour Runs are organized as fundraisers. That’s why we provide schools and PTAs with our most competitive rates. Additionally, we always strive to offer something special for you. For example, we might include some complimentary colour powder hand cannons. All the charity and fundraising colour runs we collaborate with have successfully raised significant amounts of money by reaching out to sponsors and encouraging kids to find their own sponsors.

Our experience shows that selling our popular colour powder party packs is also a great way to boost funds. Don’t forget to check out our colour run sunglasses as well. We hope you have a fantastic time with your Parent Teacher Association Colour Run.

You might also want to think about hosting a PTA Colour party. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we’ll ensure that you, the kids, staff, and parents have an unforgettable day and a successful PTA Colour Run.